PayPal Video
Stylised 3d animation for Paypal

Project Description

Talos Creative was contacted by PayPals Global Marketing Team to help develop an internal animated video that would help get the whole company from all levels and departments to understand the bigger picture of what PayPal aimed to accomplish in next few years.

We were invited to visit to their headquarters in San Jose, California to meet with the Global Marketing Team to discuss ideas and the direction for the video.

Client: PayPal

Client Creative: Heinz Waelchli

Art Directer: Gio Chronopoulos

Lead Artist: Gio Chronopoulos

Creating The Cast
Talos Creative Animation Studio Client PayPal Project
Stylized 3D Character Animation Studio Client PayPal Project
Stylised 3D character - PayPal animated video
Stylised 3D character - PayPal animated video

A small cast of characters were needed to tell various small stories. These are some of the character models we created. A simple style was chosen partly influenced by teh very quick turnaround needed.

Silicon Valley

PayPal is a fast moving technology company so there were daily changes to the software and features resulting in an intense production which kept me on my toes. The video was initially set to represent features due in 2016, but within a few weeks it became 2015 and half-way through production one of the features was already being trialled in a few select towns and cities. Overall it was an amazing experience to meet the team and see their secret showcase room and what they have planned.

Talos Creative Animation Studio Client PayPal Project

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